• 33 Hull Street, Suite 5
  • Shelton, CT 06484

Warehousing Services in CT

Whatever you make or market, we can warehouse it.

Successful companies get successful by doing what they do best. If you are a business making or selling products in Connecticut or Massachusetts, chances are warehousing is not your speciality. But it is ours.


Mail Delivery and Courier, Inc. has over 50 years of success designing, staffing, implementing and delivering warehousing and logistics solutions tailored to each customers’ specific needs. We operate multiple distribution centers—both shared and dedicated—in Connecticut and Massachusetts that serve manufacturers and importers of all sizes.

Depending on your business, we can operate a facility dedicated to your business or provide you with storage in one of our shared distribution centers. Either way, our professional logistics and warehousing teams will work to keep your supply chain running smoothly and your productivity up.

It starts with our logistics [link to logistics page] expertise. MDCS’s team of logistics pros know the importance of speed and efficiency when it comes to order fulfillment, warehousing, and retail compliance. They follow strict procedures to ensure all aspects of the fulfillment and warehouse processes are quick, accurate, and economical.

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In addition to our well-trained staff, we employ the most up-to-date technology to ensure compliance and accuracy of order fulfillment. This frees you up to focus on what you do without worrying about the safety and on-time delivery of your products.

By ensuring smooth storage and shipping of your merchandise, Mail Delivery and Courier, Inc. can help you:

  • Maximize your returns and minimize risk
  • Increase real estate functionality and decrease labor problems
  • Shrink upfront capital costs and grow customer satisfaction

Most importantly, MDCS can help save you time and money.

Contact us today to find out how our Connecticut courier services can help your business or organization run more smoothly.